First People’s Principles of Learning in the Music Classroom

As we dive into applying the nine First Peoples Principles of Learning across the curriculum in BC, many Music teachers struggle more than most, as they try to respect the ninth principle. Learning involves recognizing that some knowledge is sacred and only shared with permission and/or in certain situations. During this workshop we will explore the many ways in which we naturally apply the principles of learning when we engage in the Orff approach to music education. We will use materials that respect and address the nine principles, including authentic First Nations music and activities that can be used by music teachers. Participants will come away with a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of good Orff teaching and the First Peoples Principles of Learning. They will also have materials that they can use to deepen their students’ experience with local First Nations music that honours the ninth principle.

Saturday, January 19, 2019 – 9:30am to 3:00pm