BC Orff Chapter Members are invited to bring a group of up to 5 students from your school in grades 5 or 6 and observe the kids working with local master teachers through the Orff Process. Students will rotate through stations, developing instrumental, movement and vocal skills. At the end of the day, there will be a performance for parents.
Times to note:
8:30 Registration
2:45 Performance for parents
3:00 Dismissal
For further information please contact Denise Fawcett: social@bcorff.ca
Bonaccord Elementary
Jillian Christmas, Faith Veikle and Sonja Karlson
The clinicians include spoken word poet, Jillian Christmas who will lead the students in creating slam poetry. Jillian is co-director of Verses Festival of Words. She has facilitat-ed spoken word workshops for youth and adults across the country and is currently the Slam Master of the Vancouver Poetry Slam. Other clinicians include Faith Veikle, past president of the BC Orff Chapter and current president Sonja Karlson.